Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Syria:Reports UK Invade Syria Ignoring Russia And China On There Will Be No External Intervention.

Syrian government forces and the armed opposition are fighting in two Damascus suburbs, while there were also reports of overnight shelling in the capital.

The clashes have been happening in the suburbs of Qudsaya and Hammah, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports.

AP also says that fighting raged near the housing compounds and bases of the Republican Guard.

"Artillery fire can be heard regularly in the capital, but it's the first time that there’s been the sound of such heavy shelling. There was no sound of aircraft however," says RT’s Maria Finoshina, who is currently in Damascus.

She added that the shelling also appears to be coming from one of the presidential compounds of Bashar al-Assad, and that many ambulances have been rushing injured people to hospital.

The intensified clashes may indicate that a coordinated offensive may be taking place in Syria, reports Israel's Debkafile website. The attacks are apparently targeting the presidential palace and the compound of the presidential guard, the site reports....read more
